We are excited to announce that starting in term 4 we are introducing the “Right-thing-Raffle”, drawn monthly.

It will be a simple yet fun rewards program that recognises students who consistently demonstrate that they are doing the right thing, such as:

CORRECT FULL UNIFORM: Students who wear the correct attire (uniform and shoes) to class will go into the draw to win a special prize pack, drawn monthly.

CORRECT HAIR: Students who have their hair done correctly for classes and rehearsals (slick back bun for ballet + slick back bun or pony tail or braids for all other styles*) will go into the draw to win a BPA hair accessories prize pack. *Hair gel and or hairspray is recommended to minimise fly aways.

ATTENDANCE: Students who attend 100% of their classes and additional rehearsals (on time) if applicable will go into the draw to win a 10% discount on tuition fees in 2023, drawn at the end of term 4.

PRACTICE: Primary and Intermediate students who demonstrate their knowledge of their end of year concert routine during class, reflecting additional personal practice will go into the draw to win a special prize pack, drawn monthly.

The “Right-thing-Raffle” has been designed to reward, encourage and engage all of our students to demonstrate the commitment to their dance training required to enhance their dance journey.

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