Thank you for your interest in joining Branches Performing Arts family.
We are thrilled that you are considering joining us as we celebrate a decade of dance. We pride ourselves on providing a high standard of dance education both in person and through our Distance Dance program online. We strive to provide an inclusive and nurturing environment for all students and families by working together to create a positive studio culture. By choosing Branches Performing Arts, your family will be warmly welcomed into a network of students, parents, teachers and mentors who share the love of dance

Important Information
Please take a moment to thoroughly review the following prospectus information. It contains essential details about our programs, schedules, fees, and policies that will help you make informed decisions about your participation.
Full Prospectus
Thank you for your interest in joining Branches Performing Arts. We are thrilled that you are considering joining us. We pride ourselves on providing a high standard of dance education both in person and through our Distance Dance program online. We strive to provide an inclusive and nurturing environment for all students and families by working together to create a positive studio culture. By choosing Branches Performing Arts, your family will be warmly welcomed into a network of students, parents, teachers and mentors who share the love of dance.
We want to make your overall experience with our studio pleasant and memorable; our studio guidelines are in place to ensure that our students are empowered and inspired. Contained in the following pages are guidelines concerning attire, class placement, behaviour expectations. We have tried to give you as much information as possible so you will know what is involved and required of both you and your child through your involvement with Branches Performing Arts.
Branches Performing Arts offers premium quality training to dance students in person in Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Richmond and Barcaldine on a weekly basis. As well as Winton, Longreach and Mt Isa. Through our online 'Distance Dance' program, we also offer training to dancers located nationwide.
Our timetable is built around a huge variety of classes and a class levelling structure that is tailored to the needs of our students, along with both in person and online options. The class levelling will ensure student progression across all ages and ambitions. Our students can also look forward to opportunities to perform, build confidence and experience the rush of performing. Preparations for performances will commence at the start of Term 1. We encourage all members to join at the start of Term 1 to maximise their dance training and preparedness for class reviews and performances.
Our entire team of qualified, skilled and experienced teachers are passionate about catering to a wide range of abilities & ambitions. Please subscribe to our website and follow our social media to stay up to date with important updates.
Term Dates and Administration
2025 Term Dates:
Please note you will need to refer to the parent portal live schedule for the most up to date information regarding timetabling.
Term 1: Monday 3 February to Friday 4 April—9 weeks
Term 2: Tuesday 22 April to Friday 27 June—10 weeks
Term 3: Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September—10 weeks
Term 4: Wednesday 2nd October to Saturday 22 Nov—7.5 weeks
Other important dates:
Uniform pre-order for Term 1 delivery cut-off 4th December.
Dirty Feet Outback Dance Festival 8-13th July 2025, Longreach Qld.
Concert 27th September 2025, Julia Creek Qld.
Admin closure 5th December 2024 to 13th January 2025.
Official enrolments Open 9:30am 1st December 2024 via the parent portal.
Studio Hours:
Please refer to the timetable for all class times.
Administration Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm.
Parent Portal + BPA Studio App (now LIVE)
To accommodate the growth of the studio and to improve efficiency and ease when signing on for dance in 2025 we have made major changes to the sign on process. Once you have read and agreed to the information and terms and conditions outlined in this package you will need to complete the online enrolment process via the parent portal.
We trust that you will enjoy our innovative approach to dance classes and studio management. The parent portal allows you to:
1. View classes enrolled in, plus the timetable
2. Make payment for tuition fees
3. View and print statements
4. Update your account information
5. Notify class absence
To register for your child/children for classes follow the prompts. The system will calibrate your childs' information to display what classes your child/children are eligible for. You will also find class descriptions for each class on the parent portal.
Please register your EOI to receive notification when official registrations for 2025 open via the BPA parent portal. NOTE: EOI do not equate to officially enrolling your child. You must complete the enrolment process via the parent portal.
Studio & Class Information
In 2025 classes from Term 1-3 will be spent learning skills, technique and choreography for the concert which will take place 27th September 2025. After the completion of the concert, Term 4 will focus on preparing for in-house assessments and local showcase performances.
Class levelling structure
Check out this guide for Cloncurry/Distance Dance/Barcaldine and Julia Creek/Richmond to see what classes your child can do, based on their age.
RAD Ballet G1 5-6 yrs
RAD Ballet G2 6-8 yrs
RAD Ballet G3 6-9 yrs
RAD Ballet G5 10-11 yrs
RAD Ballet ADVANCED 2 15+ yrs
Dance Club (Kinder Dance) 2-5 yrs
Primary (Tap, Jazz) 6-7 yrs
Pre-Intermediate (Tap, Jazz) 7-9 yrs
Intermediate (Tap, Jazz) 9-12 yrs
Senior (Jazz) 13+ yrs
Junior (Hip-hop, Flip n Flex, Acro, Lyrical, Ballet Tech) 6-9 yrs
Sub Senior (Hip-hop, Flip n Flex, Acro, Lyrical, Ballet Tech, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, BodyLab) 9-12 yrs
Senior (Hip-hop, Acro, Contemporary, Ballet Tech, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, BodyLab) 13+ yrs
All class venues are listed on the timetable.
JULIA CREEK 44 Burke Street, BPA Studio
BARCALDINE Dance Hall @ Barcaldine State School
CLONCURRY Cloncurry Shire Council Community precinct
Class Placement
Our studio management software will allocate students in their respective classes in the most appropriate class based on age and ability level. Sometimes after beginning class it may be necessary to move a student to a different class to better meet his or her needs. We will discuss the potential move with the parents and try our best to accommodate personal schedules. We want your child to benefit from the dance education you are paying for, therefore we need to make sure they are in a class that allows them to excel.
Class Transfer/Withdraw
If for some reason at any time during the dance season it is necessary for your dancer to be transferred to another class or withdrawn from class, suitable arrangements will be made to transfer classes. In the case of a withdrawal after the term has already commenced, you will be responsible for any and all charges incurred on your account (including costumes & extra rehearsals). All classes cancelled by Branches Performing Arts will be fully refunded/credited.
Distance Dance via Zoom
To attend a Distance Dance class via Zoom you will need to connect to the correct teachers Zoom meeting ID:
Amy Tinning: 272 272 3955
Natasha Kovacs: 4117939674
Jacqui Rinaldi: 4759219348 (Password: 020626)
Lonii Garnons-Williams: 9865639126
Gabriella Millen: 3299730700
Bel Moore: 4639457339
Erica Sykes: 2424945528
DOWNLOAD ZOOM ID CONTACT LIST + view teacher allocations for class as per the timetable.
All classes will be delivered via Zoom to you from your chosen location (hired studio or home space). Please ensure that you have a clear safe space to dance, free of hazards, distractions and obstacles. If participating in the family lounge room we would appreciate if siblings and extended friends and family aren't present in order to reduce distractions.
Each lesson a role will be marked and only those who have finalised their registration paperwork and fees will have access to the online training.
Prior to lessons starting please be sure to download Zoom & log on for classes 5-10 min prior to the start of class.
NOTE: Please Zoom the respective teacher for each class as listed on the timetable.
While we appreciate that this may be an entirely new program for some of you, we kindly ask that you take some time to familiarise yourselves with the program before classes commence. To allow the classes to run smoothly we ask that you please read through the following Zoom guidelines:
• Our teachers would prefer if all students could add their name in Zoom to enable them to put names to faces more easily. You can do this once you have entered the Zoom session.
• If possible, we would like for the camera to be set up so that students are viewed from side on when completing barre work and from the front for centre work.
• While classes are running in Zoom we would appreciate if you could please use gallery view, so that you can see the teacher and participants.
• We kindly ask that you mute the microphone during all classes unless you are asking a question.
• Please make sure to log on a few minutes prior to the class start time so that you are prepared for the commencement of the class.
• If you have the Zoom application, please make sure that it is updated to the latest version.
• If for any reason your Zoom account removes you from a class, please make sure to shut Zoom and turn your device off and on again before trying to re-enter the session.
For more information on how to use gallery view in Zoom or other FAQs about the program, please visit their website at the link: us/articles/360000005883-Displaying-participants-in-Gallery-View
Tips: We usually find Zoom to be most effective when the laptop or steaming device is connected to your TV. This can be easily done in most cases via a HDMI cord.
Here's how to connect your laptop to your TV: v=s532CgZNrMg
This is not essential however we find this enhances the experience as it increases the size of the view and improves the volume for dancers learning via zoom.
Fees & Charges
Group Classes
All fees (online & in person) are calculated individually per student. A group class is based on 5 or more students. All classes with less than 5 students will be charged equally based on the rate of the entire class (for example $80 p/h shared between 4 students = $20 per class). Class fees are to be paid for at the commencement of the Term. Prices listed do not include GST or convenience fee applied to fees via the parent portal.
$12 per (30min) lesson
$15 per (45min) lesson
$17 per (1 hr) lesson
$20 per casual class or specialty class or casual/trial class.
All students are required to pay an annual registration fee of $50 per child. There is one non-refundable fee per student, per year. Register by 27th January 2025, to avoid late enrolment fees of $75 per student, per year. This fee is to cover increased running costs associated with admin, insurance and music licence fees.
Trial Classes
Classes can be trialled once at $20.00 per class. No registration fee required.
Casual Classes
Dancers may attend a general dance class casually for $20.00 per class permitting the class is not full. Payment must be made to the teacher at commencement of class in cash. As all students, must be registered with Branches Performing Arts, a one-off registration fee of $50.00 per student must be paid on the day of the first casual class along with the casual fee.
All classes are taught by student teacher, Hannah Gronold and are therefore offered at a discounted rate of $5 per class (plus $10 admin fee per style, per student, per term). Tuition fees must be finalised prior to the start of term via our website (no cash payments accepted). Tuition fees are non-refundable (unless cancelled by Branches Performing Arts).
Tuition fees are payable via the BPA Studio App/parent portal. However if you receive an invoice from us or attend any classes with us please make payment by the due date.
"Prompt payment of fees is greatly appreciated. A late fee of 10% may be charged to accounts not paid for up to 15 days after fees are due (unless prior arrangements have been made). No refunds or credits will be given to classes not attended. If you would like to discontinue any classes, please give notification prior to the beginning of the term. Once classes have commenced, fees for the total number of classes enrolled are due and payable."
For your convenience, you can pay your tuition online with a credit card, debit card, or direct debt. Tuition fees are no longer sent out via pay pal to the email, you must finalise tuition fees via our online shop. The information on enrolment form is assumed as being valid for the entire year, unless we are otherwise advised of changes. Payment Terms are clearly stated above & in the enrolment agreement and must be respected. In the case that the payment terms are abused and continually dishonoured students enrolment may be declined in these circumstances.
It is assumed that all students take part in the end of year concert, unless otherwise stated. It is recommended that students who wish to take part in the concert are enrolled for the entire year. Students are allowed to attend classes and not take part in the concert, however the end of year performance is a real highlight and we strongly encourage participation.
Payment of costumes for the concert is an essential part of being involved in the end of year performance. Each costume per style is estimated to cost between $70-$140, with correct stockings, shoes, hair & make-up supplies being required also. Please consider your ability to manage this expense when signing up to Branches Performing Arts.
Extra rehearsals are also part of being involved in the end of year concert. These are charged to term fees in term 3, in accordance to your child’s enrolment. For example, if your child is enrolled in 3 styles of dance, each style is charged at $10 per style = $30 per additional rehearsal. Typically there are 2x stage rehearsals and 2x dress rehearsals in the in the lead up to the concert. More rehearsals may be required at the discretion of the teacher.
The students work very hard each year to present their final show. We ask that parents be as supportive as possible during this process. We try very hard to start rehearsals on time and end on time- we can only do this with your complete cooperation.
Policies & Etiquette
Dance class is like any other structured learning environment. We expect all students to behave with a level of self-control and respect that is appropriate for their age. Students are expected to arrive on time, be properly attired and ready to learn.
Students will be verbally corrected when necessary and will only be asked to leave class if they use vulgar language, refuse to cooperate with the teacher , or become physically or verbally abusive to the teacher or other students. Also, only students enrolled and paying for a class can participate in a class.
Please do not let siblings, friends, etc. go in the dance room unless it is their scheduled class. No one has permission to run the music or assist in a class unless Branches Performing Arts has hired them to do so. Extra people in the dance classroom is distracting and takes class time and teacher attention away from those students who are paying for the class. No electronic devices are allowed in the dance room during class time, with the exception of a recording device to support independent practice.
Studio Rules
Please no food, drink, gum or lollies inside the dance area/studio space. No street shoes are allowed on the dance floors in an effort to keep it clean and safe for our dancers. All dancers regardless of age must wait inside the studio for for collection by their parent or guardian. This policy applies to all dancers. This is for everyone’s safety since the street can become busy during pick-up times.
Before Class
• Arrive 10-15 minutes early, and begin warming up your body as you need.
• Be dressed and ready for class, as per the dress code
• Please do not do your hair during class; have your hair ready before class, and make sure it is well secured.
• Use the bathroom and hydrate yourself before class.
• Remove street shoes before entering the studio space, and do not wear your dance shoes outside.
• Make sure your dance bag and clothing are ready prior to arriving at the studio.
Waiting Area Etiquette
Since we want your time spent at the studio to be as pleasant as possible, we ask that noise be kept to a minimum in the waiting area. Food & Drink may be consumed in the waiting areas, provided that rubbish and scraps are thrown in the bin or taken away from the premises upon leaving. Please also be advised the waiting room is a shared space for all dancers and their parents, so please be respectful of your property and others’. Also be advised that the studio gets very busy during the week. There are many cars entering and leaving the parking area; therefore the foot path and street is not a safe place for children of any age to play. We love our dancers and their families and want to keep everyone safe.
After Class
• Always leave the studio clean and organised, as you found it.
• Always put rubbish and extra equipment (stretch bands, matts etc) where they belong.
• Wait patiently if you need to speak to the teacher after class, call or email asking for a convenient time for them to talk.
Class Observation Policy
We want you to be involved in your child’s dance education as much as possible, and we want you to feel you are getting a good value for your money. In order to accomplish this, we have an open-door policy for all classes. However we discourage disruptions to class, so therefore do not advocate that parents, family and friends attend classes. Children learn best without an audience during classes.
Sick Or Injured
• If possible, attend class. Sitting down to observe the class.
• If student is injured, let your teacher know immediately and take advice on what to do or not do.
• If you are too sick to attend, please submit an absence via the parent portal or advise studio admin.
• Always thank your teacher after receiving every correction or compliment.
• Always thank your teacher after class.
Please direct all correspondence to studio admin, via phone, email or parent portal. Please do not communicate with any teachers with regards to dance via private messenger on their personal Facebook messenger. We wish to track and keep dance related corespondents clear and organised, communicating via the specified channels will assist us to do so.
Uniform & Dance Supplies
Our uniform pieces are all be made by Brisbane based dance wear supplier, 'Reedle Dance wear' who specialise in making premium quality dance wear and costumes.
All students* are required to wear the correct uniform and shoes to all classes.
How to order:
To order your child's dance supplies (excluding dance shoes) please do so directly through 'Uniform Shop' on our general website.
Pre-loved uniforms can be found and sold via the BPA-BUY-SWAP-SELL group on Facebook:
DANCE SUPPLIES (Tights + Bags)
You can now pre-order all of your dance supplies including; uniforms, tights and dance bags through Branches Performing Arts online shop. Pre-ordering is essential. You can source your childs' dance shoes through a dance shop of your choice.
Second hand dance wear and shoes may also be sourced through:
BPA BUY-SWAP-SELL: Facebook group with pre-loved dance shoes and BPA Uniform Items.
Flip ‘n’ Flex/Contemporary/Acro/Lyrical:
- BPA Leotard or BPA crop-top or BPA camisole top, with BPA Bike Shorts or full length leggings
- Tan tights (optional) or bare legs in class
- NO shoes
- BPA Navy Leotard or BPA crop-top or BPA camisole top, with BPA Bike Shorts or full length leggings
- Tan tights (optional) or bare legs in class
- Tan Jazz Shoes (Capezio)
- BPA Navy Leotard or BPA crop-top or BPA camisole top, with BPA Bike Shorts or full length leggings
- Tan tights (optional) or bare legs in class
- Black Tap Shoes (Capezio)
- Any BPA uniform pieces. We recommend one of our loose fitting styles of shirts and shorts.
- Tan tights (optional) or bare legs in class
- Black joggers or canvas lace up shoes (from Kmart or Big W)
- BPA Navy leotard
- Pink Tights (not optional)
- Pink split sole canvas or leather ballet shoes (no ribbons)
Dance Club:
- BPA Navy leotard
- BPA Shorts, Skorts or Skirt
- Pink tights (optional)
- Pink split sole canvas or leather ballet shoes (no ribbons)
Boys (all classes):
- BPA Uniform T-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Respective shoes for the style
Private Coaching & E-Team
The E-Team is a high performance training program designed to work in collaboration with Branches Performing Arts, that provides developing young artists with access to award winning choreographers, rewarding competitive performance opportunities and customised coaching for each individual dancer.
Download the 2025 E-Team Handbook.
All students are given the opportunity to showcase their end of year routines locally also in an intimate and more casual class showing at their final scheduled class of the year. Branches Performing Arts also hosts a major performance each year, which many of our students look forward to. The major performance will be held on Saturday 27th September 2025.

Get In Touch
Please direct all correspondence to Studio Admin.
Please do not communicate with any teachers with regards to dance via private messenger on their personal Facebook messenger.
Office hours are 9:00am to 2:00pm Mon to Fri during school term.